vrijdag 5 oktober 2012


Some time ago, 13 september 2012, I contacted the HP SSRT (Software Security Response Team) because I found some serious problem in one of their products: uCMDB 9.0x (Universal Configuration Management Database). The security towards this HP uCMDB is crucial for an enterprise, since it can contain very sensible data like names of persons, infrastructure information, ...
The product contains a JMX-Console that exposes direct access to the Managed Beans (MBeans). This JMX-Console that is a standard part of any uCMDB configuration is vulnerable to CSRF. I reported this since additional users can be created via this JMX-Console, even integration users. Also a lot of other functionality is accessible via this JMX-Console.
After sending them 8 e-mails, with references to their deployment guides and release notes they still ignore the problem and their conclusion is that it's due to an installation of JBoss-server on the uCMDB system. I have no other choice then to warn uCMDB system administrators.

You can easily verify it with an iframe:

<iframe src="http://ucmdbhostname:8080/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=invokeOpByName&name=UCMDB:service=Security%20Services&methodName=createIntegrationUser&arg0=1&arg1=testaa&arg2=testbb&arg3="
width="0" height="0" ></iframe>

BeEF Module
A module for testing is available at BeEF project.

Finally, my advise towards uCMDB-administrators is to be extra careful when using the JMX-console. Make sure sessions are expired/invalidated before accessing other webpages.

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